Tuesday 23 February 2016

Daendels Indies

So after a long journey through the Canary Islands, Daendels arrived in Bataviapada dated January 5, 1808 and replaces the Governor-General Albertus Wiese. Daendels tasked mainly to protect the island of Java from attack British troops. Java is the only Dutch-French colonies that have not fallen into British hands after the Isle de France and Mauritius in 1807. But the number of times the British fleet had appeared in the northern waters of the Java Sea even near Batavia. In 1800, the British fleet had blocked Batavia and destroying Dutch shipyard on the island of Onrust so it does not work anymore. In tahun1806, a small British fleet under Admiral Pellew appeared in Gresik. After a brief siege, military leaders the Netherlands, Von Franquemont decided not to surrender to Pellew. Pellew ultimatum to land in Surabaya did not materialize, but before leaving Java Pellew demanding the Netherlands to dismantle all defensive cannons in Gresik and granted. When he heard this, Daendels realize that the strength of the French-Dutch in Java will not be able to face the strength of the British fleet. So when he carry out his duties with immediate effect. Dutch soldiers filled it with the native people, he membangunrumah hospitals and military barracks new. In Surabaya, he built a weapons factory, he built a factory in Semarang and Batavia cannon he built military school. Castles in Batavia was destroyed and replaced with a castle in Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara now). Lodewijk Fortress built in Surabaya. Its main projects, namely Jalan Raya Pos, actually built as well as the benefits of its military, which is to commercialize its soldiers move quickly.
Against the kings of Java, he acts tough, but less strategic so that they hold a grudge him. In the eyes Daendels, all native king must recognize Dutch king as lord and ask for her protection. Starting from this concept, Daendels change positions Dutch official in the court of Solo and Yogya court of resident became minister. Minister no longer act as a Dutch official, but as a representative of the king of the Netherlands and also representative in Javanese court. Therefore Daendels make rules about the treatment of Javanese kings to the Minister in kratonnya. If at the time of the VOC Dutch resident is treated the same as local authorities facing Javanese kings, sitting on the floor and offered betel as a sign of respect to the king of Java, Minister no longer worthy to be treated as such. Minister entitled to sit parallel to the king, wearing an umbrella like a king, no need to open the cap or betel offered to the king, and should be welcomed by the king to stand on the throne when the Minister comes in the palace. When they met in the middle of the road with the king, the Minister did not have to get off the train but just open the window trains and trains may cross paths with the king. Although in Sunan Surakarta Pakubowono IV accept these terms, in Yogyakarta lane II do not want to accept. Daendels must exert pressure so that the Sultan of Yogya is willing to implement the rules it.But in the heart of the two kings were still not received on this Daendels treatment. So when the British came, they together with the king of "betraying" the Dutch.
In contrast to what people believe all this time, Daendels during his reign was ordered construction of roads in Java but not done from Anyer to Panarukan. The road between Anyer and Batavia already there when Daendels arrived. Therefore, according to Plakaatboek van het Nederlandsch Indie vol 14, Daendels started to build a road from Buitenzorg towards Cisarua and so on up to Sumedang.Pembangunan began in May 1808. In Sumedang, road construction projects is hampered by difficult natural conditions because it consists of sandstone rocks , consequently the workers refuse to do the project and eventually jammed roads. Pangeran Kornel finally intervened and directly facing Daendels to ask for understanding for the rejection of the workers. When knowing this, ordered the commander of the engineer troops Daendels Brigadier General von Lutzow to overcome. Thanks to artillery fire, hill padas successfully leveled and development continued until Karangsambung. Until Karangsambung, the construction project was done by wage labor. The regents natives were ordered to prepare manpower in a certain amount and each paid 10 cents per day per person and coupled with rice and salt rations each week.
On arrival at Karangsambung in June 1808, the fund thirty thousand guilders provided Daendels to pay these workers were discharged and to her surprise, no more funding for road construction projects. When Daendels visit to Semarang in mid July 1808, he invited all the regents on the north coast of Java. During the meeting Daendels said that the road construction project should be continued for the benefit of welfare of the people (H.W. Daendels, Staat van Nederlandsch Indische Bezittingen Gouverneur Generaal van onder bestuur en Marschalk H.W. Daendels 1808 to 1811, 's Gravenhage, 1814). The regents ordered to provide the workforce with the consequences of these workers are exempted from the obligation to work for the regents but devoted energy to build roads. Meanwhile, the regents must provide for their food needs. All of these projects will be supervised by the regional prefect is the head prefect replacement for VOC. From the results of the deal, the road construction project passed from Karangsambung to Cirebon. In August 1808 the road has been reached Pekalongan. Actually, the road connecting Surabaya Pekalongan to have existed, since in 1806 the Governor of the East Coast of Java Sea Nicolaas Engelhardtelah Madura use to transport troops in order to quell the rebellion Bagus Rangin in Cirebon (Indische Tijdschrift, 1850). So Daendels just stretch it. But he was ordered opening the way from Surabaya to Panarukan as an export port in the far East Java at the time.
The controversy happened about the construction of this road. At the time of Daendels many Dutch officials in whose hearts do not like the French, but remained loyal to the dynasty of Orange fled to England. But they could not do much because of opposition to Daendels mean dismissal and arrest him. It receives some officials like Prediger (Resident Manado), Nicolaas Engelhard (Governor of East Java Sea Coast) and Nederburgh (former head of Hooge Regeering). They were fired is then returned to Europe and through information sent from other officials who secretly oppose Daendels (like Peter Engelhard Minister Yogyakarta, Cirebon Prefect Waterloo F., F. Rothenbuhler, Governor of the Eastern Java), they write vices Daendels , Among those writings are road construction projects undertaken with forced labor and asked a lot of casualties. They themselves are not in Java when the road construction project is made. This is evident from the mention of the construction of the road between Anyer and Panarukan, whereas Daendels make them start from Buitenzorg. Pity their archives more found and stored in the archives of the Netherlands, while the data reported by Daendels or officials who are loyal to him (as JA van Braam, Minister Surakarta) can not be found unless stored in France since Daendels report all execution of their duties to Napoleon after the abolition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1810. Historian Indonesia that rely on information from the Dutch archives participate make the mistake of accepting the reality of road construction between Anyer-Panarukan through forced labor.
Another controversy concerning the construction of this road is never mention the benefits derived from the road by historians and opponents Daendels. After the road construction project is completed, the results of coffee products from inland Priangan increasingly being transported to the port of Cirebon and Indramayu whereas previously did not happen and the products it rot in warehouses coffee Sumedang, Limbangan, Cisarua and Sukabumi. Likewise with this road, the distance between Surabaya and Batavia were previously taken 40 days can be shortened to seven days. This is very useful for the delivery of letters by Daendels then managed in the postal service.
On the other hand it is said that Daendels mebuat bureaucracy to become more efficient and reduce corruption. But he himself was accused of corruption and self-enrichment. Eventually he was called back by the French and the power should be handed over to Jan Willem Janssens, as decided by Napoleon Bonaparte.Pemanggilan return is envisaged by Napoleon himself. In the framework of the invasion of Russia, Napoleon was a general need reliable and the choice fell to Daendels. In the pride of the French army corps (Grande Armee), there is unity of the Foreign Legion (Legion Estranger) consisting of unified support from allied kings of France. Among these are the forces of the Duke of Wurtemberg consisting of three divisions (approximately 30 thousand soldiers). Wurtemberg army is widely recognized as the troops of the brave, clever fight but difficult to control because their backgrounds as mercenaries in the period before the conquest by the French. Napoleon entrust this union to Daendels and awarded the rank of Colonel General.
When he arrived in Paris from his travels in Batavia, welcomed Daendels himself by Napoleon in Tuiliries palace with the red carpet. There he was given instructions to lead the unity of Wurtemberg and was involved in the invasion of Russia on June 22, 1812.