Sunday 13 March 2016

Prayer Duha prayer

Basically Duha prayer after prayer can use any prayer. Even the Prophet beristighfar ever recorded after duha prayer and continued with another prayer. Prayer is usually done after Duha prayer is:
In Latin inscription: "Allahumma innad Duha Duha-a-uka, wal-a baha baha-uka, wal Jamala jamaluka, wal quwwata quwwatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka, wal 'ismata' ismatuka. Allahumma in kana rizqi same fis-i fatalities anzilhu, in kana wa fil ardhi akhrijhu fa, fa wa in kana mu'assaron yassirhu, in kana haroman fathohhirhu wa, wa in kana ba'idan faqorribhu, bihaqqi dhuha-ika, ika-baha wa, wa jamalika, quwwatika wa, wa qudrotika, aatini ma atayta 'ibadakas Sholihin ".
It means: "O Allah, bahwasannya time Duha it was time Duha you, and greatness is your greatness and the beauty of it is the beauty of you, and that power is your power, and that protection is your protection. Ya Allah if rizkiku still in the sky, then derive, if still in the earth, then remove it, if it is still difficult, then make it easy, if (it turns out) unclean, then purify, if still distant, then draw near, thanks to the time Duha, grandeur, beauty , strength and power, limpahkanlah to us all that you have bestowed upon your servants who are pious ".
Fatwa Mufti in Markaz Al Fataawa - Ash Syabkah Al Islamiyah, Dr. Abdullah Al-Faqih, Fatwa no. 53 488, 1 Sha'ban 1425, explained:
Dhuha prayer like this ( "Allahumma innadhuha dhuha-uka, baha bahaa wal-uka, wal Jamala jamaluka, wal quwwata quwwatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka, wal 'ismata' ismatuka ... etc.) can not be found in various books which relies prayer this as the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Du'a as it was written by Ash Syarwani in Syarh Al Minhaj and Ad Dimyathi in I'anatuth Tholibiin, but prayer is not said to be a tradition.

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