Sunday 13 March 2016

Benefits of Prayer Dhuha

Prayer Dhuha

Duha prayer is the prayer of a Muslim Sunna done when the time Duha. Duha time is the time when the sun starts to rise approximately 7 feet since the publication (approximately seven in the morning) until the time of midday. Duha salat number of prayers at least 2 cycles and a maximum of 12 cycles and carried out in units of 2 cycles a greeting.

      Duha prayer or avail the benefits that can be gained and felt by those who perform prayers duha is able to vacate the chest in all respects, especially in the case of good luck, because a lot of people involved in this case.
      Dr. Ebrahim Kazim -a doctor, researcher and director of the Trinidad-Islamic Academy stated that the regular movement of prayer strengthen muscles along with tendons, joints and extraordinary effect on the cardiovascular system.
      Moreover Duha prayer is not only useful to prepare for the day with a series of orderly movement, but also counteract stress that may arise in their daily activities, according to the statement dr. Ebrahim Kazim about prayer, "There is tension disappears because the body is physiologically mengelurakan substances such as enkephalins and endorphins. This substance is a kind of morphine, including opiates. The effect of both is also no different with opiate others. The difference is, this substance naturally produced by the body , so that the more useful and controllable. "

Hadith Related
Hadith Rasulullah SAW related duha prayer, among others:
"Whoever prayed Duha 12 cycles, Allah will make him a palace in heaven" (transmitted Tirmiji and Abu Majah)
"Whoever carried out with a lasting duha prayer, be forgiven by God, even sin as much froth in the sea." (H.R Tirmidhi)
"From Umm Hani that Rasulullah SAW Duha 8 cycles and greet every two cycles." (Abu Dawud)
"Of Zaid bin Arqam ra, said," The Prophet came out to residents of Quba and they're Duha. He said,? Salat awwabin (duha ') ended up scorching heat (mid-day). "(Reported by Muslim Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
"The Prophet said in a hadith Qudsi, Allah said," O son of Adam, do not ever you are lazy to do four cycles Duha prayer, because with these prayers, I am both ends meet every need in the afternoon. "(Narrated Hakim & Thabrani)
"" Those who are still silent in the mosque or place their prayer after praying Fajr because doing iktikaf, remembrance, and perform two cycles Duha accompanied not say anything but kindness, then his sins will be forgiven even though the number exceeds the foaming of the oceans. "(HR Abu Daud)
"From the Abi Zar ra of the Prophet, he said," Every morning there is an obligation to give charity for each joint (segment). Each rosary is a charity, increment-per tahlil is a charity, every Takbir is a charity, and advocating goodness and forbidding the dole. Suffice it to replace all that with two rak'ah Duha prayer. "(Muslim)

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