Sunday 13 March 2016

KIND - OF NEEDS (Social Sciences)

Various needs can be distinguished as follows:
ü The need according to the intensity of usability
1. The primary requirement, a requirement that must be fulfilled by a man who wanted a decent life. The primary word comes from the Latin "primus" meaning first. The primary requirement is a requirement so that the first or primary. For example such as food, drink, clothing, health, education and housing.
2. The need for secondary, secondary word comes from the Latin "Secundus" which means keua. This requirement is different between one another. Eg cars for people whose income is high are secondary needs, but for those whose income is low, it is a highly luxurious article.
3. The need for tertiary, terseier comes from the Latin "lertius" which means the third. So the extent of compliance after the primary and secondary needs.
4. The need quaternary, a requirement that can only be filled by certain people only. Examples luxury furniture, expensive paintings, as well as collections of tools atngga expensive homes.
ü The need by time fulfillment
1. The need now, is a requirement that must be fulfilled now and can not be delayed. for example, medicine for the sick, food for starving children.
2. The need for the foreseeable future, the need fulfillment are done at a later date and may be delayed because it is not urgent. Examples of saving.
ü Needs according to its nature
1. physical needs, the needs associated with physical or physical, is to maintain the appearance and health. For example denagn exercising, eating healthy foods and beverages, adequate rest and others.
2. spiritual needs, the needs associated with mental health. Among other religion in worship as anutnya, socializing, recreation and entertainment, enjoy doing art activities and so on.
ü The need by subject
1. The need for individual, an individual or individual needs. This requirement is different between people with each other. For example, a secretary in need of stationeries, computer, telephone and others. While a carpenter requires saws, nails, hammers and others.
2. The need for collective or group, the need is utilized for the common good. Such as roads, bridges, hospitals, recreation and so on.
ü The need according to social and cultural
1. The need for social, necessity arising from the human family should live together with other people. For example: in uniform, motor vehicles and shod
2. Psychological Needs, the needs associated with the spiritual nature of man, for example, the need for security, in respect fellow human beings and the need for peace of heart.

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