Saturday 9 January 2016

TIPS establish good relationships in the workplace

In the world of work in a lot of the problems in carrying out the work, there enjoy the work, there is busy with his work, there is another drop in his work, there is a disagreement with our performance. So for convenience and continuity of the work we need good relationships with coworkers and superiors.
Therefore, first know a few ways that you preferred in the workplace in order to easily establish a good working relationship.
People tend to like people they know, so do not be a stranger at the office. That is, you should be able to know each other with co-workers, not just the name but it's more than that. Start by greeting people at the office as soon as you arrive the morning, get them to talk, and select the topic of fun.
Ask a few things on them and let them also know you further. Do not also spend time resting alone, but socialize. Spend a lunch time by chatting with co-workers, not just close yourself with them, but also make your mind more relaxed after work.
The easiest way to get closer to people is to know the detail of their lives. Know who the husband or wife, their children's names, their birthdays and other things. Without you knowing, remembering little details like that make them feel appreciated and certainly makes you increasingly popular.
Basically everyone would prefer people with a positive personality and looks are always optimistic. Does not mean you have to pretend to be happy, but how to always have a mind and a positive outlook. You will realize that by being a positive person, you transmit the same to others.
One of the other ways that can make you like everyone else is to be genuine. When giving aid, not to gain or expecting reward. People around you are not stupid, because they can distinguish a sincere attitude and the attitude of pretending.

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