Sunday 13 March 2016


is a system where governments and the private sector has impartial role in economic activity.
The characteristics of a mixed economic system:
1. Production activities vital to meet the needs of the people are controlled by the State
2. Factors of production is shared between the government and the private sector.
3. Property rights of individuals to be recognized fully
Economic activity is vital not reach many people handed over to private parties
The main objective adanay government intervention is to avoid the negative consequences of the free economic system. Interference in the economy consists of three types:
o Issuing rules to regulate and supervise economic activity that was normal and reasonable
o Conducting economic activity as business behavior, such as participation capital in SOEs
o Implement wisdom through tax fiscal and monetary policy to regulate and supervise the financial sector.
4. ECONOMIC INDONESIA is a populist economic system which is based on fair market mechanism with the principle of fair competition.
Destinations popular economic system is to ensure equal opportunity in business and work, protection of consumer rights and fair treatment for all communities.
The cornerstone of populist economic system:
1. Platform idiil: Pancasila
2. Platform constitutional: 1945 Article 33, paragraph 1, 2 and 3
Characteristics of people's economic system:
The role of government is important, but not dominant, supports the notion that the business of the State or government
An economic system based on kinship
Production was done by all, for all, and under the leadership or supervisory community members
State control of land, water and natural resources contained within the earth.

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