Sunday 17 January 2016


a. Browsing the Portuguese nation
Portuguese exploration of the nation's pioneers were Prince Henry "Sailors" (1294-1460) to reach the West coast of Africa and they found gold in Africa. In 1487 Bartholomew Diaz reached the tip of South Africa called Cape of Good Hope. Browsing is then forwarded by Vasco da Gama (1497-1499) arrived at Goa (India). Of india explorers returned to Lisbon / Lisbon brings valuable merchandise.
b. Spanish
When the Portuguese venture into the South and to the east, The Spanish sailing westward. Basic exploration of the two peoples was the agreement / Treaty of Tordesillas in 1492 after the Spanish and Portuguese agreed to request the Pope's blessing to spread Catholic teachings to the world
The contents of the agreement Thordesilla set: Portuguese sailed to the east and Spain to the west respectively from Tanjung Verdee archipelago located in west Africa.
The explorers of the ocean coming from Spain include: Columbus and Magehaens. Columbus made four times a voyage to the United States between the years 1492-1502 and discovered the Caribbean islands. As for the Magellan voyage he sailed from Spain to the southwest across Samodra Atlantic to the southern tip of America called the Strait of Magellan kemuadian Samodra crossed the Pacific and landed in the Philippines in 1521. Magelhaends killed. The cruise followed by Sebastian del Cano who arrived in 1522. dimaluku voyage of Magellan influential to the world of science, namely:
o Evidence that the Earth is round
o Samodra wider Pacific
o Earth is bigger than it was previously believed the
To avoid the hostility between the two countries., Then diperbaharuilah Treaty of Tordesillas into an agreement Saragosa in 1521
Saragosa contents of the agreement are:
a. Portuguese territory and shipping is from Brazil to the east till Halmahera
b. Spain ruled over Mexico to the west continued until the Philippines.
c. Netherlands
In 1580 the Portuguese occupied by Spain while the Dutch fought a war of independence against Spain in 1568-1648 then by the Spanish the Dutch padagang not authorized to buy spices based in Lisbon. The Dutch merchants then try to find himself the center of the spice in the eastern world. The Dutch adventurer fortunate because they obtain the travel information of the Portuguese to Asia and Indonesia from Jan Huygen van Linschoten, a Dutch explorer who joined Portuguese voyage to Indonesia.
In 1596, Cornelis de Houtman with four ships manned vessel 249 people landed in Banten. Dutch presence in the archipelago at the start of colonization in Indonesia was marked by the formation of VOC (Verenigde Oost Indishe Compagnie) in 1602.
d. English
By the Dutch government, VOC given Oktroi (privileges) as follows:
1. Regarded as the representative of the Dutch government in Asia
2. Monopoly trade
3. Printing money to circulate their own money
4. Hold agreement
5. Conquering war with other countries
6. Run the judicial power
7. Withholding tax
8. Has its own army
9. Conducting self-government
To carry out power in Indonesia in the lift position of Governor-general of VOCs include:
a. Pieter Both, the first Governor General of VOC who ruled in 1610-1619 in Ambon
b. Jan Pieterszoon Coen, is the second Governor General moved the center of VOCs from Ambon to Jayakarta.
How to acquire Dutch trade monopoly in Indonesia, among others, namely:
a.Melakukan cruise hongi to combat smuggling. Actions taken VOCs is to seize any vessel resident who sells spices directly to foreign traders, such as England, France, and Denmark.
b.Melakukan extirpation, which belongs to the people harvesting crops. the goal is keep the price of the spice does not degenerate when excessive harvest.
c.Perjanjian with local lords of war, especially the prop shall submit the required crops at a price set VOC VOC. mandatory submission was called "Verplichte Leverantien".
d.Rakyat shall submit crops as a tax which is termed Contingenten In implementing VOC administration Regent much use force, while the Chinese are believed to taxation by way of renting out the village for several years.
In the mid 18th century VOC decline because of several reasons that disbanded
a.Banyak VOC employees are cheating and corruption
b.Banyak expenses to cover wars example melawaan war Hasanuddin in Gowa
c. The amount of salary to be paid for comprehensive powers membuuhkan employee
    very much
d.Pembayaran Devident for shareholders participated burdensome after pemasuan
    VOC reduced
e Increased trade rivals in Asia, especially Britain and France

f.Perubahan politics in the Netherlands with the founding of the Republic Bataaf 1795 the democratic and liberal free trade advocate these reasons, the VOC was dissolved on December 31, 1799 with debts 136.7 million guilders.

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