Sunday 17 January 2016


The situation in Europe brought a change of government in the Netherlands. In 1975 the French army invaded the Netherlands sehhingga prince Willem V fled to England. Kingdom of the Netherlands sekanjutnya led by Louis Napoleon, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor. Louis Napoleon then pick-up the governor general to rule the Dutch East Indies colonial area along Herman Willem Daendels.
a. The reign of H.W Daendels in Indonesia (1808-1811)
At the time of the ruling Daendels, France hostile to the British in the war coalition d Europe. So the main task Daendels Indies is to keep Java from attack British troops. To carry out these tasks, the steps taken are as follows:
a.Menambah menjdi number 18,000 soldiers, mostly from the tribes of Indonesia
b.Membangun castle in several cities and the center of its defense in Bandung Kalijati
c.Membangun highway from Anyer to Penarukan approximately 1,000 KM were completed within one year with hard labor / sweatshop in every 7 KM in bnagun guardhouse.
d. Build fleets and fleets with central port in Surabaya
a. Issuing paper currency
b. Selling of productive land belongs to the people to the private sector so that it appears the private land (private) that many people have Chinese, Arabic and Dutch
c. Increase receipts ways of contracting previous tax levy, Contingenten and coffee growing.
a. Forming a state secretariat to clear the State administration
b. Position regent as the traditional ruler converted to government employees and salaried
c. Moved the government from Sunda Kelapa to Welterren "(now the Supreme Court Building in Jakarta)"
d. Java island is divided into 9 regions
e. Build judicial office
Daendels negative side of government is to allow continued practice of slavery and the relationship with the kings of Java was bad, giving rise to resistance.
b. The reign of Thomas Stamford Raffles in Indonesia 1811-1816
In 1811 the leadership of the British in India, namely Lord Muito memerinytahkan Thomas raffles located in Penang to master Java. By deploying 60 ships, the British managed meduduki Batavia on August 26, 1811 and on 18 September 1811 the Dutch surrendered by capitulation Tuntang.
Tuntang capitulation contents are:
1. Java Island and surrounding mastered English
2. All dutch captive British soldiers
3. The Dutch daoat used as servants English
Raffles was appointed Lieutenant Governor with the task of organizing the administration of increased trade and security.
A. Field of administration
o Dividing the island of Java to 18 Residency
o Appointed regent become salaried civil servants
o Practicing in the court system yuri bleak in the UK
o Prohibiting slavery
o Building a government center in Bogor
B. Field of economy and finance
o Implement system lease land (Land The interest), this action is based on the revenue that the UK government is ruling over all the land, so that people who keep their land must pay taxes
o Continuing efforts ever undertaken dutch eg sale of land to the private sector, as well as coffee growing
o Conducting free planting, involving people to participate in the trade.
o Monopolize salt so as not to be mocked in the trade because it is very important for the people
o Removing all mandatory submission and forced labor
Why Raffles reign only lasted until 1816? The situation in the colony are highly dependent on the conditions in Europe. In 1814 Napoleon Boneparte lost against the kings of Europe in the war coalition. To restore the situation in Europe then held the Congress of Vienna in 1814 while between England and Holland followed.
London Convention of 1814 provides:
o Holland received back jajahnnya were handed over to the British in the capitulation Tuntang
o United obtain cape of Good Hope and Ceylon from Holland
In 1824 Britain and the Netherlands back to negotiate through the Treaty of London in 1824 among other things, confirms:
o The Netherlands provides Malacca to English and vice versa Inngris give Bengkulu to Dutch.

Dutch o be in power in the south of parallel lines of Singapore while the British side of the north.

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