Sunday 13 March 2016


The definition of individual human beings is leading to the typical characteristics that have humans as living beings which distinguishes itself with other creatures. which have the distinctive character of each individual which includes physical, personality, the distinctive nature of which is owned person.
As an individual creature, humans have desires, needs, habits, ideals are different from one another. They are positive social contact leads to a cooperative, while the negative nature leads to a contradiction does not even generate social interaction.
Social interactions that occur among humans can be cooperation, competition, accommodation and also the form of disagreement or dispute.
Humans as individuals, humans are also referred to as social creatures meaning humans have the need and the ability and habit to communicate and interact with other human beings, or in other words, man is no right to live without help from others so we always cooperate with each other for the sake of continuity This life. Then these interactions form the group also called the zoon politicon.
Terserbut The term was first put forward by Aristotle, which means man as a political animal. The nature of the underlying human groups in the ownership of the ability to communicate, express and ability to cooperate with each other. In addition, the value of their holdings in humans to live together in groups.


is a system where governments and the private sector has impartial role in economic activity.
The characteristics of a mixed economic system:
1. Production activities vital to meet the needs of the people are controlled by the State
2. Factors of production is shared between the government and the private sector.
3. Property rights of individuals to be recognized fully
Economic activity is vital not reach many people handed over to private parties
The main objective adanay government intervention is to avoid the negative consequences of the free economic system. Interference in the economy consists of three types:
o Issuing rules to regulate and supervise economic activity that was normal and reasonable
o Conducting economic activity as business behavior, such as participation capital in SOEs
o Implement wisdom through tax fiscal and monetary policy to regulate and supervise the financial sector.
4. ECONOMIC INDONESIA is a populist economic system which is based on fair market mechanism with the principle of fair competition.
Destinations popular economic system is to ensure equal opportunity in business and work, protection of consumer rights and fair treatment for all communities.
The cornerstone of populist economic system:
1. Platform idiil: Pancasila
2. Platform constitutional: 1945 Article 33, paragraph 1, 2 and 3
Characteristics of people's economic system:
The role of government is important, but not dominant, supports the notion that the business of the State or government
An economic system based on kinship
Production was done by all, for all, and under the leadership or supervisory community members
State control of land, water and natural resources contained within the earth.


an economic system where the government has strict controls in determining the ownership of the business, earnings, and alikasi resources to achieve the goal that has been set by the government.
The characteristics of the centralized economic system:
1. The Government of the ruling on production, consumption, and distribution
2. Capital goods and factors of production belonging to government
3. Does not recognize private property rights
4. No individual / group to strive freely
The advantages of a centralized economic system is:
1. The government is to control inflation, unemployment and other economic masalh
2. Market of goods in the country running smoothly
3. The government can be involved in the formation of prices
4. Relative easily make income distribution
The disadvantage is:
1. Turn off individual initiative
2. People do not have the freedom to have the economic resources and wealth.
3. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS MARKET, is a system that everything is determined by the market.
Characteristics possessed by the market economic system is:
1. Everyone is free to have capital goods
2. Everyone shall be free to use the goods or services owned
3. Economic activities carried out by the private sector and aim to get profit
4. The government did not invest
5. Competition is conducted freely
The kindness of this system are:
1. The initiative and creativity of the community can thrive
2. Individuals are free to have production resources
3. Appears goods of high quality
4. High Efficiency and effectiveness
The disadvantage is:
1. difficult to make equitable distribution of income
2. The rich get richer, the poor getting poorer
3. There was a monopoly company
4. Frequent economic turmoil


Human desire to meet the needs vary according to factors that influence it. Factors that affect humans meet their needs are as follows:
o Natural environment, examples of people who live in mountainous areas will be wearing thick clothes
o Mode. Home form in the rental clothes and jewelry with fashion craze that has become today's society
o Civilization.
In the early days of independence, people do not need a cell phone, but such is now a necessity.
o mores
Customs of a region different from other regions. For example nuptial Java people with different bali
o Livelihood. Farming communities want to meet the needs related to livelihood. For example plows, hoes, seeds and irrigation facilities
o Pandapatan. For example, the "B" due to increased revenue, he wants to buy a car. he wants to fulfill the needs for goods that were not originally bought it.
o consumer habits. For example, people in Maluku and Irian Jaya in the habit of consuming methamphetamine.

KIND - OF NEEDS (Social Sciences)

Various needs can be distinguished as follows:
ü The need according to the intensity of usability
1. The primary requirement, a requirement that must be fulfilled by a man who wanted a decent life. The primary word comes from the Latin "primus" meaning first. The primary requirement is a requirement so that the first or primary. For example such as food, drink, clothing, health, education and housing.
2. The need for secondary, secondary word comes from the Latin "Secundus" which means keua. This requirement is different between one another. Eg cars for people whose income is high are secondary needs, but for those whose income is low, it is a highly luxurious article.
3. The need for tertiary, terseier comes from the Latin "lertius" which means the third. So the extent of compliance after the primary and secondary needs.
4. The need quaternary, a requirement that can only be filled by certain people only. Examples luxury furniture, expensive paintings, as well as collections of tools atngga expensive homes.
ü The need by time fulfillment
1. The need now, is a requirement that must be fulfilled now and can not be delayed. for example, medicine for the sick, food for starving children.
2. The need for the foreseeable future, the need fulfillment are done at a later date and may be delayed because it is not urgent. Examples of saving.
ü Needs according to its nature
1. physical needs, the needs associated with physical or physical, is to maintain the appearance and health. For example denagn exercising, eating healthy foods and beverages, adequate rest and others.
2. spiritual needs, the needs associated with mental health. Among other religion in worship as anutnya, socializing, recreation and entertainment, enjoy doing art activities and so on.
ü The need by subject
1. The need for individual, an individual or individual needs. This requirement is different between people with each other. For example, a secretary in need of stationeries, computer, telephone and others. While a carpenter requires saws, nails, hammers and others.
2. The need for collective or group, the need is utilized for the common good. Such as roads, bridges, hospitals, recreation and so on.
ü The need according to social and cultural
1. The need for social, necessity arising from the human family should live together with other people. For example: in uniform, motor vehicles and shod
2. Psychological Needs, the needs associated with the spiritual nature of man, for example, the need for security, in respect fellow human beings and the need for peace of heart.

SMK SOCIAL SCIENCE Class X Semester 1 & 2

Necessity is the human desire to goods and services in their efforts to preserve life where gratification can be both physical and spiritual. Desire is a matter that we want to have, but if we had not managed to get it to our survival as human beings will not be threatened.
Human needs are infinite, both in quantity and kinds. This is caused by some of the following factors, namely:
1. Due to the nature of man
Already a nature that humans have always felt that the nature of any existing shortfall increasing means which is owned more the needs in feel have not been fulfilled.
2. The nature and the environment Factor
The structure of a human nature that is pushing the man to act or do conform with the natural environment.
3. Factor communities
Community environment is the dominant factor. As a cause of boundless human needs.
4. Factor international trade
As a result of the rapid foreign trade or international, the increasing number of foreign goods coming into our own country, which led to both the needs of the domestic demand and the country is rapidly increasing community needs.
5. Factor demonstration effect

Lancarnay as a result of international trade, not only the goods are entered into the country but also its culture played a role in it. Which is commonly called the demonstration effect that trait or habit of imitating the behavior of others or on the saw. For example fashion clothes, hair and others.

Prayer Duha prayer

Basically Duha prayer after prayer can use any prayer. Even the Prophet beristighfar ever recorded after duha prayer and continued with another prayer. Prayer is usually done after Duha prayer is:
In Latin inscription: "Allahumma innad Duha Duha-a-uka, wal-a baha baha-uka, wal Jamala jamaluka, wal quwwata quwwatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka, wal 'ismata' ismatuka. Allahumma in kana rizqi same fis-i fatalities anzilhu, in kana wa fil ardhi akhrijhu fa, fa wa in kana mu'assaron yassirhu, in kana haroman fathohhirhu wa, wa in kana ba'idan faqorribhu, bihaqqi dhuha-ika, ika-baha wa, wa jamalika, quwwatika wa, wa qudrotika, aatini ma atayta 'ibadakas Sholihin ".
It means: "O Allah, bahwasannya time Duha it was time Duha you, and greatness is your greatness and the beauty of it is the beauty of you, and that power is your power, and that protection is your protection. Ya Allah if rizkiku still in the sky, then derive, if still in the earth, then remove it, if it is still difficult, then make it easy, if (it turns out) unclean, then purify, if still distant, then draw near, thanks to the time Duha, grandeur, beauty , strength and power, limpahkanlah to us all that you have bestowed upon your servants who are pious ".
Fatwa Mufti in Markaz Al Fataawa - Ash Syabkah Al Islamiyah, Dr. Abdullah Al-Faqih, Fatwa no. 53 488, 1 Sha'ban 1425, explained:
Dhuha prayer like this ( "Allahumma innadhuha dhuha-uka, baha bahaa wal-uka, wal Jamala jamaluka, wal quwwata quwwatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka, wal 'ismata' ismatuka ... etc.) can not be found in various books which relies prayer this as the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Du'a as it was written by Ash Syarwani in Syarh Al Minhaj and Ad Dimyathi in I'anatuth Tholibiin, but prayer is not said to be a tradition.

Benefits of Prayer Dhuha

Prayer Dhuha

Duha prayer is the prayer of a Muslim Sunna done when the time Duha. Duha time is the time when the sun starts to rise approximately 7 feet since the publication (approximately seven in the morning) until the time of midday. Duha salat number of prayers at least 2 cycles and a maximum of 12 cycles and carried out in units of 2 cycles a greeting.

      Duha prayer or avail the benefits that can be gained and felt by those who perform prayers duha is able to vacate the chest in all respects, especially in the case of good luck, because a lot of people involved in this case.
      Dr. Ebrahim Kazim -a doctor, researcher and director of the Trinidad-Islamic Academy stated that the regular movement of prayer strengthen muscles along with tendons, joints and extraordinary effect on the cardiovascular system.
      Moreover Duha prayer is not only useful to prepare for the day with a series of orderly movement, but also counteract stress that may arise in their daily activities, according to the statement dr. Ebrahim Kazim about prayer, "There is tension disappears because the body is physiologically mengelurakan substances such as enkephalins and endorphins. This substance is a kind of morphine, including opiates. The effect of both is also no different with opiate others. The difference is, this substance naturally produced by the body , so that the more useful and controllable. "

Hadith Related
Hadith Rasulullah SAW related duha prayer, among others:
"Whoever prayed Duha 12 cycles, Allah will make him a palace in heaven" (transmitted Tirmiji and Abu Majah)
"Whoever carried out with a lasting duha prayer, be forgiven by God, even sin as much froth in the sea." (H.R Tirmidhi)
"From Umm Hani that Rasulullah SAW Duha 8 cycles and greet every two cycles." (Abu Dawud)
"Of Zaid bin Arqam ra, said," The Prophet came out to residents of Quba and they're Duha. He said,? Salat awwabin (duha ') ended up scorching heat (mid-day). "(Reported by Muslim Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
"The Prophet said in a hadith Qudsi, Allah said," O son of Adam, do not ever you are lazy to do four cycles Duha prayer, because with these prayers, I am both ends meet every need in the afternoon. "(Narrated Hakim & Thabrani)
"" Those who are still silent in the mosque or place their prayer after praying Fajr because doing iktikaf, remembrance, and perform two cycles Duha accompanied not say anything but kindness, then his sins will be forgiven even though the number exceeds the foaming of the oceans. "(HR Abu Daud)
"From the Abi Zar ra of the Prophet, he said," Every morning there is an obligation to give charity for each joint (segment). Each rosary is a charity, increment-per tahlil is a charity, every Takbir is a charity, and advocating goodness and forbidding the dole. Suffice it to replace all that with two rak'ah Duha prayer. "(Muslim)

Social structure

Prince Harry (prince title is a social status that can be inherited)

Understanding Social Structure

     Newborn child, automatically direct social status attached to his parents. No man can resist the social status of their parents. For example: parents are government officials, social status will be automatically attached to the child is the child of officials. His parents worked as police or prosecutors, he will not accept the status as the son of a police or prosecutors child.

     Social status is inherited from a parent who is a scavenger including one example of a less favorable social status. But later when he is able to understand and assess the situation himself and his family, he can use his thoughts to accept, modify or reject the designation attached inherited by his or her parent. The son of a scavenger trying to find the status of the environment of the community. In the future if it is capable of seeking to change the situation himself and earn a decent job, then the title as child scavengers will disappear by itself and the new designation earned by the effort and struggle will be attached to him.

     Social status usually also seen on the state of the economy, which is rich or poor. Still others distinguish a person's social status on the basis of caste, for example, still known dibali caste system, the caste brahmins (priests), warrior caste (ruler), caste waisa (oengusaha), and caste Shudra (commoner).

     Position as citizens is a combination of various position of a person for example: a person police office as Chief of Police Sector (police chief), at home as a father, as the RT community environment. How about you ? Do you also have some status? A status Meungkin ye (also) more than the status of the school. Talking about the social structure, then individually, or in groups according their role and status. Which one's role he rights and obligations which become status.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Gerhana Matahari Total 9 Maret 2016 di Palu

Melihat secara langsung ke fotosfer matahari (bagian cincin terang dari Matahari) dapat membahayakan, karena mengakibatkan kerusakan permanen retina mata akibat radiasi tinggi yang tak terlihat yang dipancarkan dari fotosfer. Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dapat mengakibatkan kebutaan. Mengamati gerhana Matahari membutuhkan pelindung mata khusus atau dengan menggunakan metode melihat secara tidak langsung. Penggunaan kaca mata untuk menyaksikan gerhana tidak aman karena tidak menyaring radiasiinframerah yang dapat merusak retina mata. Karena cepatnya peredaran Bumi mengitari matahari, gerhana matahari tak mungkin berlangsung lebih dari 7 menit dan 58 detik, sehingga pengamatan sebaiknya dilakukan sesegera mungkin.