Sunday 17 January 2016


With the victory of the liberal faction in the Dutch parliament then began to set liberal economic system characterized by nodal entry of foreigners to Indonesia. days it was called the Open Door policy or colonial liberal economic politics guided by several laws, among others:
   ü Comptabiliteitswet 1867 stating that the Dutch East Indies belnja budget should be set by law, so with the approval of the Dutch parliament.
   ü Suikerwet 1870 (Act sugars) contain provisions that sugarcane crop plants as a government monopoly will gradually be eliminated so that the island of Java can be operated by private entrepreneurs.
   ü Agrarichwet 1870 (Agrarian Law) provides inter alia:
 o Land in Indonesia differentiated into two parts, namely the people's land and government land
 o Land distinguished people on land owned lands that are free and non-free village. People's land should not be sold to a foreign nation, can only be leased.
 o Land can be sold to government-owned land (eigendom) or leased for 75 years.

The purpose of the agrarian law is to protect farmers in order not to lose their land and opened the way foreigners to lease land from the people of Indonesia.

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